
Non-Life tarification project

DUAS (team of 2 people)
April - May 2014
Implementation of a GLM using R in a context of a mechanical breakdown insurance. Automate the production of a pricing pdf file (example of report in French).

Markov Chain simulation project

April - May 2014
Estimating a hospitalisation insurance premium using a Markov chain simulation method for each age and over different periods. Then compare all premiums outputted. (report in French) 

Life tarification project

DUAS (team of 3 people)
December 2013
Mortality table construction on a funeral insurance portfolio and connection with reglementary table. Creation of a pricing calculation tool on Excel. 

Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers

March 2013
Simulation of pseudorandom numbers and testing R, SAS, Excel softwares generators. (report in French) 

Web programming project

February - May 2012
Using SVN to build a web application such as e-business with the framework Symfony 2.